Never Let The Spark Go Out.

“Love is the essential nutrient that our cells crave: true positivity-charged connection with other living beings.”

– Barbara L. Fredrickson

Your Roadmap to Rekindle Love and Connection

These are the same strategies that Sparked Forever uses to help couples achieve meaningful transformations. This course provides go-to tools and practical exercises for mastering the CAKE Framework: Communication, Affection, Kindfulness, and Energy.

You’ll learn to communicate better, rebuild affection, and cultivate empathy—empowering you to bring joy and intimacy back into your relationship.

SPARKED FOREVER Keep the Spark alive.

“Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.”

– Ursula K. Le Guin

Love & connections

Love and social connections are a source of indispensable energy and health for us. Unfortunately, the daily hustle of life can sometimes distract us from nourishing this part of our wellbeing. Sparked Forever sessions give couples the opportunity to keep their love-spark connected, engaged and growing – it’s like having a great workout routine for your relationship. Don’t wait until your relationship is out of shape. Grow your understanding of each other. Collaborate together on your life design. Start vibrant and stay vibrant.


Fresh Starts for Relationships

Fresh Starts for Relationships

We’ve all made it into another new year—and while January often brings gloomy weather and short days, it also offers powerful potential. At Sparked Forever, we believe in Fresh Starts for Relationships to reconnect, reflect, and reignite lasting love.

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Restore your love, reignite your connection, and feel closer than ever with this step-by-step course designed to bring couples back to their spark.

You’ll learn to communicate better, rebuild affection, and cultivate empathy—empowering you to bring joy and intimacy back into your relationship.

Start now and transform your relationship. Click ‘BE SPARKED NOW!’ and begin your journey to lasting love today!

Couple on a couch with a laptop while the man gives a kiss on the cheek to the woman.

What We do

be connected.

Fostering a connection is key. You found each other for a reason and we want to make sure you never forget that why.

be loved.

Love is all around you when a relationship starts. Where does it go? Why does it fade? Let’s make sure it only grows.

be sparked.

The Spark is everything. You felt it right? Keep that spark going with our sessions designed specific to your relationship  goals.

Call 604-369-7369 For more information

Meet Crystal

Meet Crystal, your relationship and social health coach. Crystal is the founder of Sparked Forever Relationship & Singles coaching. She started her journey supporting the neurodiverse community in navigating this, sometimes frustrating, neurotypical world. Lessons and inspiration from her earlier work drives Crystal’s passion for bringing couples and singles together through acceptance and understanding to grow vibrant relationships. When Crystal is not coaching, she loves to be out on adventures with her partner and bonus kids or spending time connecting with friends over good food and fun music.

Where do we start?

Sparked Forever offers both packages and individuals plans. Start off with the ‘Beyond the Big Day!’ package to keep the excitement of your wedding going all year. Curious about other plans and what we can offer? Let’s have a no obligation chat.


Thank you so much!!!

I had no real expectations of what this whole thing would be but I am so happy to have met Crystal. She really helped my husband and I through some tough times and guided us back to the love I thought was gone. Thank you Crystal.

– Kathryn Murphy

What a great program

I knew of Crystal’s work in the industry before she officially launched Sparked Forever and was happy to support her when my Partner and I became a couple. It has been such a wonderful experience to have her help us through our first year together and we have both loved our sessions together.

– Savannah Nguyen

Worth Every Penny

I have to admit I was skeptical that a program would be anything my wife and I would ever utilize in our relationship but after meeting Crystal in person we were both eager to give it a try. I could write pages but to summarize, this is worth EVERY penny.

– Ralph Edwards



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love quirks apple podcast


Love Quirks Captivate Podcast

Contact Us

Book a free consultation.

Curious about what we do? Looking for more information on our programs and pricing? We would love to chat so give us a jingle.

Call Today 604-369-7369




#24 - 223741 Lougheed Hwy.
Maple Ridge, BC, Canada


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